Ask Gwen: Afraid to find love


I’ve been divorced for 5 years and haven’t dated anyone. I still feel hurt. My friends suggest online dating, but I feel insecure and afraid. I do want love but I am scared. How do I move forward?

Gwen’s Answer:

You must heal yourself before looking for a new relationship. You need to build your strength and confidence. It is also important to look at the past relationship and see what patterns were present there so you do not repeat them in a new relationship.  A partner cannot  heal us, save us, or make us feel whole. We must do that first ourselves. Check out my MP3s on Healing the Past, Healing the Inner Child, Raising Self-Esteem, Empower Yourself, as well as the Relationship Series which is a wonderful guide to healthy relationships.

Attracting an Ideal Mate MP3

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