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Transforming Power Struggles

Power struggles can be common in relationships. This can happen with a spouse, a child/parent, or with a boss/coworker. This occurs when two people...

Being Who You Really Are

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss I...

Relieving Stress Through Non-Attachment

"The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences." ~ Hsin Hsin Ming Think of how often we experience stress or anxiety...


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Gwen has worked as a psychotherapist for decades and has a private practice in Sherwood Park, Alberta. Gwen’s work bridges the worlds of self and spirituality, body, mind and soul. She conveys this approach to healing in over 400 articles and has included them on this site as a gift for you. Search by topic and read one or many.

If you like the articles, you will be sure to like Gwen’s books. Preview the first few pages to see which ones suit you best.

Be sure to take a listen to some of Gwen’s hypnotic CDs/MP3s. You can listen to a sample clip and then purchase the ones that resonate most for you here.

Take a look around for inspiration and insight. Thanks again for stopping by!
