Opening to Deeper Levels of Communication

In order to have a relationship that goes beyond the superficial, there must be some level of honesty. In fact, honesty is sometimes what allows a relationship to go deeper. Regardless of the relationship, be...

Problematic Nonverbal Communication

When we speak to another person, they receive two messages. One of the messages is sent in the words we have spoken. The other is in the way the message is delivered. The latter...

Caught in the Middle

One of the difficult situations in which we can find ourselves occurs when we feel ‘caught in the middle.' Perhaps two friends or family members are at odds with one another, and both are...

Couples’ Conflict Resolution

Conflicts often occur between couples—it is a fact of life. Some couples are able to resolve them and move on, while for others, the issue remains smoldering, ready to flare up at any time. I...

Fighting vs. Problem Solving

“First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.” ~ Thomas à Kempis No couples really like to be in conflict, but so often they get stuck in the battle...

Have a Strategy for Handling Disagreements

"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy. " ~ Howard Newton Often disagreements with a partner, child or parent deteriorate into fights, with angry words spoken and damage to the...

Healthy Conflict Resolution

“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” ~ Ralph Nichols Life and relationships will inevitably have...

Peace, Not Conflict

"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional." ~ Max Lucado No one really likes conflict, and yet sometimes it shows up in our lives more than we want it to. It is easy to blame...

Perceptions in Relationships

Sometimes we get into trouble for things we did not even do. Remember, when you were a child and got blamed for something inappropriately? No doubt you felt angry, frustrated and resentful. If you...

Transforming Power Struggles

Power struggles can be common in relationships. This can happen with a spouse, a child/parent, or with a boss/coworker. This occurs when two people disagree and try to convince the other of the correctness...