We All Touch One Another


“We All Touch One Another: Make It A Nice Touch.” ~ Mother Teresa

universal loveIt was a cold and windy March Sunday. For months I had been doing my exercising indoors, but the sun was shining and I thought it might be a good time to get back outside again. I kept wanting to find excuses to use my inside equipment, but a little voice in my head kept telling me to go for a walk. It was very insistent, so by four-thirty I hit the pavement.

It was much colder than it looked from inside the house. For a moment I thought that might be my excuse to go back, as it was quite windy and I did not bring hat or gloves. The voice told me to keep going.

I did not pass another soul until about three quarters of the way through my route. This lady was smart. She had hat, scarf and gloves. Still, she also looked cold. I smiled as we were about to pass and she stopped to say something.

“I love the articles you write,” she said. I thanked her and was ready to continue on, but there was more. “Your articles have changed the way I live my life.” I was deeply affected by these words, and thanked her most sincerely.

As I continued my walk there were tears in my eyes. I wondered if she knew how profoundly her words had touched my heart. I have been writing for many, many years, for quite a few publications. I have received a lot of positive feedback, and that is what inspires me to keep writing.

To have my writing change the way someone lives her life is an honor beyond measure. To have the ability to touch the life of another soul in a positive way is, to me, a measure of our connectedness. It is a reminder that we are not so separate form one another as we might think.

There is a oneness that hold us all: the matrix upon which we live our individual lives. Once in a while the spell of individuality is broken, as one soul touches another.

I thank you, special lady, for sharing such a meaningful message with me. And I thank that inner intuitive voice of mine that insisted that I get out there and walk, because there was someone I was supposed to meet.

Copyright © Gwen Randall-Young, All Rights Reserved. Contact us if you would like permission to reprint.
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