The Hardest Part of Love is Letting Go

The hardest part of loving is letting go. It is hard, because love makes us want to hold on. Well actually, it is not the love that makes us hold on, it is the...

Did You Hear the Rumor?

I heard a rumor the other day that I was moving to a different city. A few years ago there was a rumor that I was not taking any new clients. Neither of these...

Ask Gwen: Get my partner on board?

I have been going to therapy for a while to work on some of my childhood issues and it has been helping. I am excited to make some changes in my life, but I...

Mid-Life Crisis, or Growth Spurt?

“Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third” ~ Marge Piercy Often as a woman reaches her forties, and her children are a little more independent, she feels a desire...

Emotional Peace from within

The most valuable commodity in the world is inner peace. Health, wealth, fame or fortune cannot be enjoyed or appreciated when life is filled with emotional turbulence. Yet, we are human, and things happen...

Bad Mood? How Not to Take It Out On Others

“Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf ” ~ Jonatan Mårtensson It is easy, when we are feeling grouchy, to take it out...

Teens Understanding Parents

"Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it". ~Haim Ginott I write a lot about parents understanding their teens, so this time it is going to...

Anger Hurts Children

As I write this I am thinking about children – children from the tiniest babies to the almost-adult teenagers. I am thinking about how devastating it is for a child to be a recipient...

Why Parents Nag

No one likes to be nagged, and kids tell me they hate it when their parents do it. They are surprised when I suggest that perhaps they are the ones who trained their parents in...

Healthy Communication

When we speak to another person, they receive two messages. One of the messages is sent in the words we have spoken. The other is in the way the message is delivered. The latter...