The Many Faces of Grief

Losing friends or loved ones hurts. It hurts deeply. Sometimes the pain seems unbearable. And it feels as if will never end. Many people have their own wisdom about death, their own understandings of...

Death of a Child

There can be nothing harder than losing a child. The grief and loss are beyond belief. No one can really grasp the depth of pain unless they have been through it. There is a...

Death and Impermanence

North American Society has still not yet come to terms with death. In a consumer society, we can use things and throw them away, almost without a second thought. Times change, fashions change, technology changes,...

Attempted Suicide

It is often difficult to know what to say when speaking with someone who has recently been through a crisis, particularly the loss of someone close to them. Perhaps one of the most awkward...

Assisting Others in Grieving

Grieving is one of the hardest things to do. Whether we are grieving the loss of a loved one , the loss of a relationship, or a job, the sense of pain and helplessness...

Adolescent Depression and Suicide

I had a conversation with some young adults about the suicide of a teenager who re-enacted the death of Kurt Cobain. I asked them how big a factor they thought that the music might...

When It’s Okay to Talk to Strangers

When we were young, many of us were taught not to talk to strangers. This is good advice for children. The problem is, in our culture, for many, this admonition remained as a way...

When Grandparents Interfere

It's the Grandparent's right to spoil the grandchildren, isn't that so? On the surface this seems innocent enough, but there are some dangerous pitfalls. Generosity and expressions of love are one thing. Undermining the...

Tips for After Graduation

Your child has made it to grade twelve, will be graduating, and has the marks to proceed to post secondary education. You should be happy, but he or she has decided to take a...

Racism and Tolerance: Teaching Our Children

“Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.“ ~Dennis Leary It is troubling to hear, particularly in the U.S., of a backlash against...