Ask Gwen: Balance between nice and assertive?
How do I find the balance between being kind and nice and being assertive?
Gwen's Answer:
There is no need to feel these need to be balanced because you can be nice, kind and assertive at...
Treading Softly Around the Souls of Children
Humans are designed with a built-in instinct to care for their young. When this does not happen, we acknowledge that something has gone wrong. A parent who does not adequately provide for the basic...
Taking the High Road
Things are not always what they seem. I remember in the early nineties feeling strongly that the most important attribute we needed to develop as we moved into the next millennium was the power...
Soul Mates
What is a soulmate? Is it that perfect partner, who connects with us at every level, understanding us as no one else can? Is it the charming prince or princess who sweeps us off...
Soulful Parenting
What would it mean to raise a child soulfully? I am reminded of my daughter, when she was young. She had a little toy baby carriage and a cat. One of her favorite pastimes...
Reverence for the Unseen
I am often asked about the role of spirituality in psychotherapy. The semantics can be confusing.
The word ‘psyche' has two meanings: 1) the human soul or spirit, and 2) the mind. The term ‘psychology'...
Moving Beyond Ego
There is an awkward time during adolescence, when we are neither child nor adult. At times we revert to our child-like ways, overpowered by emotion and self-centeredness, and other times we are selfless, compassionate...
Fear of Letting Go
Fear is a very powerful human emotion. From a biological perspective, fear serves an important purpose. It alerts us to potential danger, producing increased levels of alertness so we are ready to ‘fight or...
Easier Than Worry and Fear
Fear is a built-in, biological response to potentially dangerous, or life threatening situations. In that sense, it serves us well, making us more alert and ready for evasive or defensive action. When a cat...
Don’t Count the Days
Sometimes one's own consciousness can be a little like an unwelcome house guest. Awareness of things we would rather avoid can create discomfort, and send one into a flurry of activity, designed to prevent...