What do Women Need?


talking couple on floorI have worked with many women over the years—single, engaged, married, and divorced. While every woman is different, I have discovered commonalities in what they need from a partner. Regardless of what you think about these things, the fact is that if you are able to give them, you will have a happy woman, and a better chance of a lasting relationship.

A woman needs to feel she is loved and respected for who she is. She won’t feel this if she is criticized, or if you are trying to change her. She wants her man to make her a priority in his life.

This means he makes time to be with her, and takes her into consideration when making plans for the weekend, or for his life.

She also needs to know that you are attracted to her. Every woman has beauty, whether it is in her body or her soul, and she wants you to see it. You will, if you are looking through the eyes of love.

A woman also needs to feel her man’s strength—not physical strength—but rather the strength to deal with challenges that come along, and the desire and ability to take care of her. Many women are strong and independent, so they do not need to be taken care of all that much. When they are going through a tough time, though, they need to be able to lean on you.

It is also important for her to be able to talk with you. She needs to be able to tell you her thoughts and feelings, and have the sense that you care. Telling her not to feel that way, or how to solve her problems is not what she needs. She needs your listening and understanding.

Finally, she needs to know about your thoughts and feelings. She gets her sense of intimacy and closeness when you can both share openly with one another. She is more open to physical intimacy when she has emotional intimacy first.

While this list is not exhaustive, it outlines the core essentials for a healthy, loving relationship with your woman. If that is what you want, you now know what to do. Of course it is not a one sided process, so next week I promise to write about what men want.

Copyright © Gwen Randall-Young, All Rights Reserved. Contact us if you would like permission to reprint.

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