The Walk of Life


treetopsThis weekend I had one of the best days of my life. There have been more of those than I can count, but this one was both ordinary and exquisite. I had an opportunity to go hiking in Kananaskis Country with my son and eldest daughter.

It was a beautiful day, and we all love getting out into nature. Our two-hour hike ended up being closer to three and one half hours. We had the most amazing conversations. In between appreciating the incredible variety of wild flowers, mosses and ferns, we shared much about our lives and our dreams. There is much openness amongst us, probably because of the high degree of unconditional love we share. As the sun shone, and with the sound of water flowing alongside of us, I felt deeply blessed.

I remembered my first walk with my son. Only a few days old, I had him wrapped in a snugli, nestled on my chest as we walked around the back yard. I recalled later how he and I would take his baby sister for a walk in her stroller. Then there were the hours we all spent during many of our summers walking beside the ocean, gathering seashells or writing in the sand.

As they grew older, our walks were times to air frustrations, mull over life’s complexities, or mend broken hearts. Last fall we all walked the rainforests of Tofino and collected sand dollars from the beach. Only this time, each of my children was accompanied by a significant other.

This weekend I realized that for my family, walking in nature is something of a ritual. It is a time for strengthening our bonds with each other, and with the Earth. It is something we have always done, and I know they will do, when they have children. There is nothing more ordinary than going for a walk, and nothing more profound than that time of life when our journey overlaps with that of our children – and for a precious while – we walk together.

Copyright © Gwen Randall-Young, All Rights Reserved. Contact us if you would like permission to reprint.

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