Principles for Parenting Teens

Each new generation of parents has things to deal with that their parents did not. Today's parents must cope with the prevalence of technology in the lives of their children, easier access to recreational...

Parental Control and Teens

When children become teenagers, parents are often challenged. This is not because the teenager is challenging the parent or necessarily making life difficult. Parents are challenged because sooner or later they have to give up...

Parent and Teen Power Struggles

Most conflict between teens and parents is either caused by, or results in a power struggle. It is not unreasonable for parents to believe they are the ones in control, and must create firm...

Knowing How to Set Boundaries for Your Teenager

Today's twelve-year-olds know things that I was still puzzled about when I was eighteen. Nothing is left to the imagination (or to the future). It is sad to see such a loss of innocence,...

Know Your Teen’s Friends

Is it reasonable for parents to know who their child's friends are and to meet them? Most definitely. In fact, it may be irresponsible not to. At least until the end of grade nine,...

Girls Growing Up Too Fast?

Sadly, today children grow up much too quickly. With television, internet and music videos, they are exposed to things at a much younger age than were their parents. There is so much sexually explicit...

Getting Through the Teenage Stage

"I hate my parents!" "My Mom is such a bitch!" "They're just soooo stuuuupid!!!" If you have ever said or thought these kinds of thoughts about your parents then you are going through "THE...

Empowering Teens for Wise Choices

Parents of pre-teens or young teenagers naturally become worried about the influence of peers, and the possibility of their child becoming involved with drugs. Just at the time when the child is experiencing a...

Dangerous Driving

It is always so sad to hear of the death of high school students as a result of a car accident. It seems that such deaths should be 'preventable.' When parents tell teenagers to be...

Career Choices: Supporting Our Children

“About 80% of people are unhappy at work, and 20% are happy. Our culture has separated work from passion, and taught us to prefer a higher paycheck to higher happiness. That mistake costs us...